We are the Healthy Air Coalition.

We’re working together to make Britain’s air cleaner, healthier and better to breathe.

Air pollution is the UK’s most dangerous environmental threat.

It’s an invisible public health crisis – one that’s been ignored far too long. We must take urgent action now and push for better laws that protect our right to breathe clean, safe air.

The Healthy Air Coalition is calling on our government to take meaningful action on the UK’s air pollution crisis.

We’re uniting over 20 NGOs, charities and changemakers to reduce sources of modern air pollution, improve existing legislation and bring in new, stronger clean air laws – so we can protect the health of everyone in the UK.

Our Partners

Alzheimer's Research UK Asthma + Lung UK British Heart Foundation British Safety Council British Thoracic Society Campaign for Better Transport Cancer Research UK Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Chartered Institution of Environmental Management Clean Air Fund Clean Air in London Clean Cities Campaign ClientEarth Cycling UK The Ella Roberta Foundation Friends of the Earth Global Action Plan Green Alliance Greenpeace Impact on Urban Health The Institution of Environmental Sciences Living Streets London Cycling Campaign Mums for Lungs Possible Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Stroke Association Sustrans Transport and Environment Trade Union Clean Air Network (TUCAN)

Our Supporters

Conservative Environment Network Labour Climate and Environment Forum UK Health Alliance on Climate Change UK:100 Low Traffic Future Alliance Nesta